Read Common Sense Media's Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery review, age rating, and parents guide. If Austin Powers contains your sort of humour, which it does in my case, this is the most fun you'll ever have with any movie. An icon of spoof comedy, "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery" kicked off the series in entertaining fashion.

Because of the patrons, today I'm reviewing one of the defining Bond movie spoofs, Austin Powers International. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery is never disrespectful to the films that it makes fun of, which is probably the single most important thing about a This is not a movie to be taken seriously, and quite frankly, I can't understand all of these reviews that I've read on the IMDb that are constantly. Critic Reviews for Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery.

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery

There's nothing malevolent about Austin Powers, he's clearly more Clouseau than Dr. Strangelove, and he is born out of affection, for both the period he's from and for a sense of humour that is peculiarly British. In the opening scenes of "Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery,'' the British superagent has nearly won his war against the scheming Dr. That's the simple but productive premise of "Austin Powers,'' a funny movie that only gets funnier the more familiar you are with the James Bond movies. It is the first installment in the Austin Powers series. Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery.

Trailer Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery

MPA Rating: Reviewed by: Heather Black CONTRIBUTOR. I am not sure if this movie should even be given the honor of being reviewed on this site, but I think there may be some out there who might appreciate. It was directed by Jay Roach and written by Mike Myers, who also starred as both the titular character Austin Powers and main antagonist Dr.

Once synonymous with style, Powers soon realises that his vocabulary, fashion sense and attitude to women are hopelessly out of date.. See opinions and rankings about Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery across various lists and topics. It was directed by Jay Roach and written by Mike Myers, who also starred as both the titular character Austin Powers and main antagonist Dr. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery.