A Black Version of a White Thriller. No Good Deed isn't a horrendous movie. It's just dull from start to finish, never attempting to be anything beyond a mediocre thriller.

Henson) is a devoted wife and mother of two, living an ideal suburban While this movie does have solid performances by Idris Elba and Taraji P. Henson and has some exciting moments sprinkled in, No Good Deed suffers from being. Chris Stuckmann reviews No Good Deed, starring Idris Elba, Taraji P.

No Good Deed

Henson, Leslie Bibb, Kate del Castillo, Henry Simmons. Henson decided to sign on for a project that plays like a failed attempt at a Lifetime movie. The film stars Idris Elba, Taraji P. Henson, Kate del Castillo, Mark Smith. Wondering if No Good Deed is OK for your kids? Set preferences and get age-appropriate recommendations with Common Sense Media Plus.

Trailer No Good Deed

Visually, No Good Deed is better than the material on the page. Miller creates a darkly lavish look to his cinematic world, with camera work that ranges from methodically executed shots and movements, to more visceral Cinéma vérité (aka shaky cam) sequences when the violence is in full swing. This preposterous exploitation flick is a baffling career move for Idris Elba.

The "good deed" of the title refers, possibly, to the prison guard who gets close enough to a shackled prisoner, so that he can hand him a tissue. Review for the film " No Good Deed". A good soundtrack by Paul Haslinger, which gives the story more mysterious feel. There's a piece of the movie which shows the qualities of women empowerment and how to deal with it.