The first two "Toy Story" movies centered on the relationship between a boy and his toys. In a third act where they find themselves. Sandie Angulo Chen, Common Sense Media.
The studio certainly set the delicate course with Toy Story, a movie which not only contrasted the glee of imaginative play with the terrors of plaything-torture, but which, crucially, imagined its anthropomorphised, secret-life-living. The story begins as we learn that Andy is all grown up and off to. Though it doesn't compare with the original, it's far better than the second one.
Woody and Buzz's latest adventure ends the trilogy on a perfect note. To answer the hopes of fans of all ages, Pixar and Disney finally created and released the third Toy Story film this summer. Like Andy, I had grown up and was heading off to college. So, upon seeing it, I took it like a man. and cried throughout the entire movie. It was the most emotional I have ever been. I've seen the movie twice now, and it deserves all the praise it has and will recieve.
Trailer Toy Story 3
Was Pixar being strong-armed by Disney just to squeeze more money out of a brand consisting of two excellent movies? Instead, it's a movie that's a roller coaster in the best sense of the term. Andy, their owner, is now grown up and is going to college.
The movie starts to lift off, then to soar right over the walls of the family-movie ghetto. The third story of Toy Story was very moving and amazing , a great story in the nursery, and a touching final scene is saved when Andy and man gives The Toy Story trilogy films are Pixar's only legendary movies ever, the plots are outstanding, the characters puts all emotions to themselves and. With their owner Andy leaving home for university, the toys fear for their future. Toy Story introduced us to a world of living toys that only desire to be loved and played with by their owners.