RUNAWAY JURY is exactly the movie it sets out to be. It promises you an engaging legal thriller, and it delivers on all acounts. Runaway Jury movie reviews & Metacritic score: A suspense-thriller about a high-priced and ruthless jury "consultant" who will stop at nothing to secure a ve.

Runaway Jury Ratings & Reviews Explanation. The best is still 'The Rainmaker', probably because Francis Ford Coppola was the director who could work with a perfect ensemble of actors. Other Grisham adaptations have had terrific ensembles as well.

Runaway Jury

Now available on Blu-ray and DVD (Buy on Amazon). Book adaptations are always a scary thing. After all, how can a movie do a book justice? It doesn't happen often, and Runaway Jury is no exception, though it is entertaining enough to suffice. Runaway Jury is a court-room thriller with a strong political plot. I've enjoyed watching John Cusack in anything I've seen him in and this movie is no exception.

Trailer Runaway Jury

In New Orleans, a shooting takes place at a stock brokerage firm. When a big firearms corporation is taken to court by the widow of a man killed in a shooting rampage the implications for the gun industry are enormous. It's important to win this trial in New Orleans and the burden falls on jury consultant Rankin Fitch, Gene Hackman, to set up a task force, backed up by the.

This movie makes a mockery of the judicial system by not just implying that jury tampering happens, but that it is routine and easy to get away with. I had hoped to write this review without diving into the murky waters of gun-control politics. But alas, the contents of Runaway Jury won't allow for that. Check out the exclusive movie review and see our movie rating for Runaway Jury. "Trials are too important to be decided by juries," quips jury consultant extraordinaire Rankin Fitch (Gene Hackman), the man you want whispering in your attorney's ear when it's jury selection time.