"Kingsman: The Golden Circle," which finds the British tailors decimated and forced to join forces with a whiskey manufacturing U. S. spy network called "Statesman" and featuring such personages as Channing Tatum, Jeff Bridges and Halle Berry, is even longer than the first movie, clocking in at two. Kingsman: The Golden Circle movie reviews & Metacritic score: Kingsman: The Secret Service introduced the world to Kingsman - an independent, international i.

Chris Stuckmann reviews Kingsman: The Golden Circle, starring Colin Firth, Julianne Moore, Taron Egerton, Mark Strong, Halle Berry, Channing Tatum, Jeff Bridges. In KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE, Eggsy (Taron Egerton) is attacked by a former trainee who manages to steal the Kingsman agency's secrets. In the previous movie, scenes involving the brutal deaths of dozens of people were played for laughs and entertainment.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

The Golden Circle sets up world-saving stakes—a poisoned supply of recreational drugs threatens to kill millions unless a cartel queenpin madwoman (Julianne Moore, having a good time) gets her The Kingsman movies are not high art, especially this sequel, nor are they particularly witty shlock. But how do you recapture the surprise thrill of that first hit? Well, judging from the eye-saucering, jaw-plummeting. From left, Taron Egerton, Colin Firth and Pedro Pascal in "Kingsman: The Golden Circle," a spy sequel directed by Matthew Vaughn. Kingsman: The Golden Circle falls short of its predecessor but is a worthy sequel loaded with epic action sequences, outrageous comedy. Kingsman:The Golden Circle aims to do just the opposite.

Trailer Kingsman: The Golden Circle

There's more of everything here; more blood, foul language, laughs and a higher body count. Film Review: 'Kingsman: The Golden Circle'. RELATED: Kingsman: The Golden Circle's Firth Debunks Harry Hart Theory.

Once again, Eggsy (Taron Egerton) leaps into action to save the world, but an explosive first act robs him of most of his Kingsmen colleagues and gadgets, so he and tech-whiz Merlin (Mark Strong) seek help from the. There was at its core a smart spin on Pygmalion, with Colin Firth's starchy superspy Harry tutoring the chavvy Eggsy (Egerton) in the ways of properly refined espionage. With that arc complete, Eggsy doesn't have anywhere so interesting to go. Like a lot of stuff in Kingsman: The Golden Circle, its villain's metallurgical fetish is a callback to old-school James Bond movies.