At a time when movies think they have to choose between action and ideas, Steven Spielberg's "Minority Report" is a triumph--a film that works on our minds and our emotions. It is a thriller and a human story, a movie of ideas that's also a whodunit. Chris Stuckmann reviews Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton, Max von Sydow, Neal McDonough.

It is the conglomeration of such a dizzying array of films that it is difficult to contemplate them all at once. "Minority Report" is a movie with a fantastic storyline, one of the best I've ever heard of. While Cruise anchors the movie, a brave performance by Morton and rock-solid supporting work give the movie extra ballast. Shorn of hair and eyebrows, Morton is a fragile figure, waif-like yet willfully determined to have a hand in her own liberation despite a.

Minority Report

With "Minority Report", Steven Spielberg has ditched the romanticism of "A. I." in favour of the paranoid creepiness of futuristic noir. Instead of robotic children in desperate need of love, we have a haunted and embittered cop who uses drugs to escape his emotional pain. A movie review by James Berardinelli. On those rare occasions when a great motion picture reaches multiplexes, the film critic must add another aspect to his or her job description: that of cheerleader. Minority Report, one of Steven Spielberg's most popular films shows the viewers a near perfect utopian state where all crime has been eliminated.

Trailer Minority Report

There is an evident observation in the movie that depicts the way people behave and act. Minority Report - Christian movie reviews and ratings that are family friendly. June brings us Steven Spielberg's Minority Report, a sci-fi action flick based on a Phillip K.

Dick short story about a cop who can anticipate a killer's crimes. In a perfect world, murderers would be caught before they could kill, and the innocent would never live in fear. But even when the coupling of positive elements: Minority Report provides numerous opportunities to think about and discuss the idea of judging someone for what they might. Minority Report is well-conceived as it was a Phillip K Dick short story.