Read Common Sense Media's Night at the Museum review, age rating, and parents guide. I really loved this movie i think that the idea the that museum coming to life seems really cool. for my end of the year field trip we saw the secend. MPA Rating: for mild action, language and brief rude humor.

The number one movie in America right now is Night at the Museum, the Ben Stiller comedy where museum figurines come to life at night. Following a series of bad reviews, however, I was skeptical to set foot in the theater - but I'm glad I did, because Night at the Museum is an entertaining little. In Night At the Museum, Ben Stiller plays his usual role as a good-hearted schlemiel thrust into a humiliating situation that he ultimately emerges from with a small measure of heroic dignity.

Night at the Museum

The magic that makes the Night at the Museum possible is fading, so Ben Stiller and his crew of historical icons must save the day.and night. Night at the Museum movie reviews & Metacritic score: In this wild comedy fantasy, a bumbling night watchman (Stiller) at New Decent effects, interesting story, and aside from when Stiller is talking, good humor. Overall: Night at the museum was surprisingly enjoyable, even with Stiller in the lead.… Night at the Museum Reviews. The film is so visually appealing, it's a credit to "Museum" despite the fact the movie has a flimsy plot full of hokey clichés and contrived plot advancements. Exhibits on a stroll in "Night at the Museum," directed by Shawn Levy. But then I crash-landed in the movie, where Amelia Earhart has to become the sidekick of Larry Daley (Ben Stiller), who has faked his resume to get hired I could give you the exact number of the mission controllers he has played, but looking up his IMDb credits for a review of "Night at the Museum.

Trailer Night at the Museum

Night at the Museum provides exciting, charming, tender, uplifting, and amusing entertainment for the whole family. There are, however, a couple worldview The movie stars Ben Stiller as Larry Daley. Larry has a lot of dreams for success, but none of them pay off.

His ex-wife complains that their young. Movie Reviews (Main) > Movie Reviews (Main). Night At The Museum. - for mild action, language and brief rude humor. All three films, based on the children's book The Night at the Museum by Milan Trenc.