One of my early reviews for Starship Troopers! I trimmed it down to minimize copyright issues and removed my mustache Justice League Style. That makes it true to its source.

Every sequel to the Starship Troopers movie I have watched, but none has come near the quality and excitement of the brilliantly creative original directed by Paul Verhoeven. Movie and TV Reviews and Lists. Read the Empire Movie review of Starship Troopers.

Starship Troopers

Whatever the politics, Starship Troopers remains, on one level at least, a supremely good joke. Rich kid Johnny Ricco (Van Dien, sporting a jaw that looks as if it has been drawn with a set-square) and high-school pals hit movie boot camp. While this is not a blockbuster hit, it is a very entertaining movie. Starship Troopers could become ground zero for a new generation of thrill junkies — the first generation, perhaps, that won't need, or even desire, movie stars. How can you not love love a huge, deliberately dumb sci-fi war movie that features giant bugs graphically dismembering dumb grunts brainwashed by the military industrial complex into a. Your score has been saved for Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars.

Trailer Starship Troopers

Would you like to write a review? It wasn't a bad movie, I did enjoy it at moments. I think it would have made a very good game, it's a shame that we haven't got a good first person shooter in the Starship Troopers universe.

Starship Troopers movie review - Free download as Word Doc (.doc /.docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Now, some are finally getting the joke. Watch Starship Troopers movie trailer and get the latest cast info, photos, movie review and more on Looking for a rip-roaring, heartlessly violent, no-holds-barred war movie?