Vincent is an old Vietnam vet whose stubbornly hedonistic ways have left him without money or a future. Things change when his new next-door There is a school of film reviewing which suggests that a film is like a symphony, to review it, don't bother with minutiae, just listen for a false or off-key. It's right in the actor's wheelhouse, full of sarcastic one-liners.

Vincent will dodge your impulse to projectile vomit. She pays Vincent to babysit because if she didn't there'd be no movie. But Melfi does solid work with a cast that comes.

St. Vincent

Gifted with a strong cast led by Murray -- who out-Murrays his own previous cheekily brilliant performances -- and a meandering but still compelling story that somehow ties in divorce, Alzheimer's, and race-track gambling, the movie feels like good jazz should. "St. Vincent" is a piece of very well-made cheese, a movie in which one can feel its manipulations and heart-string pulling, but the talented ensemble makes Theodore Melfi's "St. Vincent" is defiantly crowd-pleasing, complete with the relatively shallow characters and simple resolutions that such an. "St. Vincent," the movie, is a lot like its namesake character, Vincent: overexuberant, a bit predictable, messy in a very self-conscious way. But really, none of that matters, because the guy playing Vincent is Bill Murray, in what may be the archetypal Bill Murray role. Vincent is a foul-mouthed, drunk, gambling war veteran.

Trailer St. Vincent

The film stars Bill Murray as the title character and features Melissa McCarthy, Naomi Watts, Chris O'Dowd, Terrence Howard, and Jaeden Martell. It's the kind of movie needing to be liked so much you duck once you see it coming. Review for the film " St.

Vincent MacKenna (Bill Murray) is a retired Vietnam War veteran who has a lot of debts and is a gambler, drunkard. Vincent is now playing in U. Vincent's plot goes in some obvious places that are foreseeable from the first act. At a Q&A after the Toronto Film Festival world premiere of his new movie, Murray was asked how he landed the title role of a grumpy old man.