With "The Dark Knight Rises" on the way, Jeremy reviews the Batman films of old. This movie is a good representation of Batman's love life and as well as all the action we superhero fans crave. A Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader, ol' Boogaloo Bats.

Batman: The Movie is interesting because it features not one but four of Batman's most famous. Make no mistake: Batman saved Batman. While never less than entertaining, the show peaked in its first season, and this movie (intended to serve as a pilot for overseas territories that had yet to air the.


Batman Hush has finally come home as an animated film. Does it live up to the legacy of the famous comic? Batman Ninja movie review: It's one of the most eye-poppingly original takes on the Dark Knight, and certainly his most refreshing depiction since Christopher Nolan's trilogy. Batman was Tim Burton's breakthrough to a major audience, and captures the darkness and gothic aspects of the comic series in a remarkable visual. "The Lego Batman Movie" puts a fun and goofy spin on the Batman saga. Starring: Robert Pattinson, Andy Serkis, Zoƫ Kravitz and others. A point-of-view driven noir tale with heavy focus on Batman's detective work.

Trailer Batman

A stand-alone story with no connection to the DCEU. We also only counted movies that are obvious Batman movies. So, while we didn't count "Justice League" because that's more of an ensemble team-up movie, we did count "Batman v Superman.

Your guide to enjoying the Batman movies in order, from The Dark Knight to The The many Batman movies have been as eclectic as the character himself, from the gritty realism of Christopher Nolan's. "There have been some great Batman movies, and I didn't want to just do a Batman movie. I wanted to do a Batman movie that could be different," the filmmaker explained. Superman: Dawn of Justice is the ninth time a Batman will appear on the big screen in live action form. The fictional superhero Batman, who appears in American comic books published by DC Comics, has appeared in various films since his inception.