Despite its unsavory aspects, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is always a pleasure to observe, so artfully artificial with its green-screened backdrops and A Dame To Kill For lacked a lot of the soul from the first movie. Improvements could have been made in too many areas for this film. That's why it gets a. Боевик, триллер, криминал. Режиссер: Роберт Родригес, Фрэнк Миллер. В ролях: Микки Рурк, Джессика Альба, Джош Бролин и др. В темных переулках Города Грехов Дуайт планирует жестоко отомстить женщине по имени Ава Лорд, которая его предала.

In the end, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is more of Sin City - just five years too late. For an in-depth discussion of the film by the Screen Rant editors check back soon for our Sin City: A Dame to Kill For episode of the SR Underground podcast. Like the original, Sin City: A Dame To Kill For is episodic.

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. About Audience Score. "Sin City" was all gleaming car grilles and seedy bars and tortured men lurching their way through the grim streets, casting gigantic shadows. And finally, Eva Green enters the scene as Ava Lord, the "dame to kill for" in the title. She is reminiscent of every black widow woman from every film noir ever. Josh Brolin as Dwight in 'Sin City: A Dame To Kill For'. But "meh" is hardly the reaction you expect from a movie in which Eva Green and Jessica Alba shake their ta-tas.

Trailer Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

Read Common Sense Media's Sin City: A Dame to Kill For review, age rating, and parents guide. The movie mostly consists of people looking for revenge or behaving in morally or legally questionable ways. Many of the lead characters are responsible for killing people -- or at least beating people up.

A Dame to Kill For serves as both a prequel and sequel to Sin City, with stories taking place before and after those told in the original. Fans know well that Sin City could never be accused of being a thinking man's comic book movie, but underneath all the stylistic flourishes and cigarette smoke. Like most stories that come out Sin City, "A Dame to Kill For" is about a broken man unable to resist the spell of a woman in trouble. (If Brolin is the movie's tragic hero, then his comic counterpart is Christopher Meloni as Mort, a cop who falls pathetically in love with Ava.) Saving the girl, of course. Sin City (the first one): brilliant, groundbreaking, innovative, a game-changer, mind-blowing, etc.,----whatever superlative you want to use.