"From Dusk Till Dawn" resembles one of those mythological creatures stitched together out of two different species, like a bull with a man's torso. In this case, we get half of a hostage movie, and half of a vampire gore-fest. For about an hour, we've been following the story.

The expansion of the story is believable and fresh. while you maybe familiar with the story. Filmmaker Robert Rodriguez, working from Tarantino's screenplay, opens From Dusk Till Dawn with an electrifying pre-credits sequence revolving around a robbery gone horribly wrong. Read the Empire Movie review of From Dusk Till Dawn.

From Dusk Till Dawn

Two Desperado-type brothers and career criminals take a preacher and his two teenage stepchildren hostage and flee to Mexico where they end up at a local strip bar which is populated by vampires. Watch the From Dusk Till Dawn movie review above. It stars Harvey Keitel, George Clooney, Tarantino, and Juliette Lewis. Quentin Tarantino and George Clooney in 'From Dusk Till Dawn.' Robert Rodriguez pushes the envelope but fails to make any lasting impression except revulsion at the spectacle of acclaimed independent filmmakers wasting their talents on such trash. Wondering if From Dusk Till Dawn is OK for your kids? Set preferences and get age-appropriate recommendations with Common Sense Media Plus.

Trailer From Dusk Till Dawn

Based on the Quentin Tarantino film of the same name, FROM DUSK TILL DAWN is a modern-day fantasy series featuring law enforcement, criminals. Metacritic TV Reviews, From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, Robert Movies This Year. Summary: Robert Rodriguez returns to his film "From Dusk Till Dawn" for this new series that looks deeper into the people who stumble upon the infamous strip club.

The first part of this film is a very. It's NEAR DARK crossed with THE GETAWAY. OK, got it: It's NATURAL BORN KILLERS meets VAMP -- you may not have seen the Grace Jones vampire-strip-joint picture. Its the only movie where I actually like the George Clooney character.