Log in to finish your rating The Man Who Knew Too Much. If your review contains spoilers, please check the Spoiler box. But what shocks me so much is that in reviews.

A suspense film that can run two hours without the audience getting restless must be pretty good.. I remember liking Peter Lorre in it, but I also like Peter Lorre in every movie he's in. I can't find a good video of it on YouTube, though I know I've seen one in the.

The Man Who Knew Too Much

Thank you for rating this movie! We may update these Terms of Use from time to time and you are responsible for periodically reviewing the most current version on this Web Site. The funniest thing about "The Man Who Knew Too Little'' is the title; that melancholy truth that develops with deadening finality as the movie The movie is simply not funny. Based on a book by Robert Farrar, it concocts conversations that all have the same thing in common: They. Thank you for rating this movie! Although we strive to update and keep the Content contained on the Website accurate as much as possible, errors and/or omissions may occur.

Trailer The Man Who Knew Too Much

ACCORDINGLY, THIS WEBSITE, INCLUDING THE CONTENT AND SERVICES PROVIDED. The film is best known for featuring Doris Day singing Que Sera Sera (Whatever Will Be), which plays a prominent role in the film. She I playing a retired famous singer.

When a Frenchman he chatted to on the bus is murdered, dressed and blacked up as an Arab, he tells the good Doctor with his dying. Home Entertainment & Pop Culture Movies. The Man Who Knew Too Much. Movies made by Nicolas Roeg are also automatically pretentious.