In the Coen Brothers' "True Grit," Jeff Bridges is not playing the John Wayne role. He's playing the Jeff Bridges role — or, more properly, the role created Of course he's a lawman with an office and a room somewhere in town, but for much of the movie, he is on a quest through inauspicious territory to find. True Grit movie reviews & Metacritic score: Fourteen-year-old Mattie Ross's father has been shot in cold blood by the coward Tom Chaney, and she is True Grit is a well written, acted, and directed western that dies justice to the original.

I do not think this is John Wayne's best movie or role, but I did like this movie, though I do not think it is perfect. Handsomely shot with great scenery, True Grit is pleasing to the eye. Elmer Bernstein's score is rousing and very fitting, while the.

True Grit

Read Common Sense Media's True Grit review, age rating, and parents guide. News & Interviews for True Grit. This True Grit is a very impressive piece of work, beautifully photographed by Roger Deakins, and if you had never seen the original, it might be getting even higher praise. Tellingly, this movie often takes place in the bitter cold: one of its best moments comes when two characters are just shown waiting, on their horses, as the freezing snow flecks around them. There is no such thing as perfect justice, they say. Read the Empire Movie review of True Grit.

Trailer True Grit

At long last Coen devotees who have yearned to see them make an honest-to-goodness, rootin' tootin' Western can attain Movie Nirvana. True Grit is one of those movies that does everything so well, that you hardly notice that it is doing it. The best way to describe this film is to say that it is While purists may never be convinced that a remake was in order, this True Grit is not like the original.

In fact it is not like any other movie this year. Starring: Barry Pepper, Hailee Steinfeld, Jeff Bridges and others. True Grit finally got John Wayne a Best Acting Oscar. The reviewer certified that no compensation was received from the reviewed item producer.