Guillermo del Toro's summer blockbuster is a well-made sci-fi fantasy full of familiar but satisfying moments. Pacific Rim is a war movie set in a near future that resembles in its combination of high technology with cultural and social dilapidation the grim worlds to come in Alien. "Pacific Rim" stuffs each frame with multiple references to the latest iterations of what even geeks would call "Geek Culture." But for all his fanboy This movie made me think of a line from Roger Ebert's review of "Dark City," which he described as "a film to nourish us. Not a story so much as an.

As long as you know what you're getting into, Pacific Rim. The movie promotes the idea of different cultures coming together for a common cause; in general, characters tend to face fears and go up against terrible odds for the. This movie is like the grown up version giddy young boys on a playground, smashing their toys into each other, making explodey noises with their mouths.

Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim Uprising is what that movie would've been without Guillermo del Toro. Yes, that ending was cornier than Iowa in the summertime. Frankly, it's hard to pinpoint what exactly del Toro did to make it. Read the Empire Movie review of Pacific Rim. A big, brash, unpretentious B movie that lives down to its billing: robots punching monsters — it. In other words, get on Pacific Rim's wavelength and there is a primal gratification in its blunt remit of very big metal things fighting very big scaly things in order.

Trailer Pacific Rim

There are already lots of movie reviews for Pacific Rim. Rather, I want to ask the question, why was this movie weak in the ways that it was? Through the magic of alternate dimensions, aliens known as the.

As a sequel, Uprising improves upon Pacific Rim in some ways, but lowers the bar in other key areas. Fans of the first film looking forward to bigger, better. On a side-note, since no one is going to say it. The second 'Pacific Rim' movie may just be huge robots and monsters fighting each other, but it's one heck of a fun ride.