Read Common Sense Media's Black Hawk Down review, age rating, and parents guide. Ridley Scott's "Black Hawk Down" tells the story of a U. S. military raid that went disastrously wrong when optimistic plans ran into unexpected resistance.

Black Hawk Down movie reviews & Metacritic score: Director Ridley Scott's adaptation of the true war story of the attack on a group of U. Black Hawk Down is a movie worth seeing. You really see what these soldiers go through.

Black Hawk Down

BLACK HAWK DOWN, directed by Ridley Scott and accurately following the true story of the best-selling book by Mark Bowden, very And BLACK HAWK DOWN is one of his best efforts to date. The musical score is also superb, and I was encouraged to hear the. Ambitious, sumptuously-framed and frenetic, Black Hawk Down occasionally errs on the confused, but is nonetheless a rare find of a war movie which dares to turn genre convention on its head. I selected the movie Black Hawk Down, because I really respect the soldiers who fight to keep all of us safe. Also, my mother told me that she had a personal connection with this movie because her mentor's son was one of the Army Rangers that participated in this battle. Movie reviews for Black Hawk Down.

Trailer Black Hawk Down

MRQE Metric: See what the critics had to say and watch the trailer. Rangers and an elite Delta Force team attempt to kidnap two underlings of a Somali warlord, their Black Hawk helicopters are shot down, and the Americans suffer heavy. Black Hawk Down is a movie that describes a military operation in Somalia.

It is based on a real life event and on the book by Mark Bowden. The US mission was to bring in one of the warlord leaders, but that takes a complete left turn when one of the US helicopters gets shot down. That's when a mission to capture key lieutenants of Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid turned to disaster when two Army Black Hawk helicopters were shot down over downtown Mogadishu. Somalia at that time was a.