Equilibrium is just not a good movie. It just feels really bland and boring, and slow, and it's kind of like a sad little rip. He is well accompanied by a nice support cast , as Emily Watson who as Mary O'Brien as a rebel who feels his own equilibrium waver.

The Equilibrium features some absolutely fantastic action sequences which are breathtaking in their choreography. Odder things have happened, but it is a mystery as to why Dimension Films decided to release Equilibrium in limited theaters with very little marketing. Related: [ Movie Details/Trailer / Full Poster ].


Read the Empire Movie review of Equilibrium. Enjoyable hogwash, boasting some inventive carnage, as well as the truly terrifying notion of an. The Family and Christian Guide to Movie Reviews and Entertainment News. MRQE Metric: See what the critics had to say and watch the trailer. To be fair, Equilibrium's heavy-handed plot sometimes contradicts itself, and the preposterous "Matrix"-esque gun battles drag on a little too long for my taste. A thick stew of science fiction style and dystopian-future plot beats, Kurt Wimmer's "Equilibrium" is an exciting speculative yarn.

Trailer Equilibrium

Detailed plot synopsis reviews of Equilibrium. After the end of World War III, the authorities of the new state of Libria force the. REVIEW: It's not a stretch to say, actor Christian Bale has been within some of my all time favorite movies.

This not so recent gem by the title of "Equilibrium" has arrived from Echo Bridge on Bluray. Equilibrium follows the life of John Preston. Noah review - 'a preposterous but endearingly unhinged epic'. Movie Reviews (Main) > Movie Reviews (Main).