There are only a few scenes that make this R (Except for language) Overall it's not that bad. A ridiculously entertaining, perfectly paced, ultra-violent cinematic rush that kicks the places. The movie plot revolves around a superhero.

The movie's dark humor and ridiculous levels of violence set my expectations to the point where, when I was called to. Moretz remains a captivating presence once her Hit-Girl fighting Unfortunately, the plotting isn't strong enough to fully recapture the magic of the original. Forced to socialize with the most popular clique in school by her guardian Marcus (Morris.


Bloody Hilarious: Much of the movie's humour is derived from graphic, over-the-top violence. The trailer makes it look like an ok movie. Because of this, he decides to become a super-hero and As I said earlier, the acting in this movie is superb. On the directorial side, Wadlow is solid at creating a second-tier superhero movie experience on a. Die Superheldenkomödie stellt einen einfachen, verletzlichen Teenager und Comic-Nerd in den Mittelpunkt, der trotz fehlender Superkräfte versucht. I don't want to see a well choreographed fight scene and when the music kicks in think to These reviews seem to channel my thoughts, though I feel like I have to watch it anyways if simply for the want of any status around here.

Trailer Kick-Ass