The parents' guide to what's in this movie. Though the "good guys" are trying to prevent the Declaration of Independence from being stolen, they break. Here is a movie about a fabled ancient treasure from the Middle East, protected through the ages by the Knights Templar and the Masons, and In his treasure hunt, Benjamin Franklin Gates (Nicolas Cage) enlists the aid of National Archivist Abigail Chase (Diane Kruger) and his father, Patrick Henry.

If your review contains spoilers, please check the Spoiler box. This movie has been deemed another "Indiana Jones" without the whip, leather hat and stereotypical Nazis. Instead, the movie really focuses on the implausible.

National Treasure

Movie Reviews (Main) > Movie Reviews (Main). National Treasure. - for action violence and some scary images. Playing like The Goonies for all ages, there's a good deal of fun to be had in reviewing historical events as part of a mythic jigsaw puzzle - pieces including the humble one-dollar note and letters penned by. National Treasure is widely acknowledged as a bad movie. If you go into this movie expecting the next Indiana Jones, then yes, you will be disappointed. Even if you hate the movie, you can't help but be in suspense in some of the scenes in the movie.

Trailer National Treasure

Maybe one reason I liked this movie was. "Patriotic Historical Treasure Hunt". What You Need To Know: NATIONAL TREASURE is a rollicking. It was written by Jim Kouf and the Wibberleys, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Jon Turteltaub.

What do you get when you cross Indiana Jones with Rodney Dangerfield? A treasure-hunter who gets no respect. In National Treasure that individual has a name: Benjamin Franklin Gates. For generations his family has searched in vain for a vast fortune believed to have.