Chris Stuckmann reviews Fantastic Four, starring Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell, Toby Kebbell. Fantastic Four is not your average superhero movie by today's standards.

The tone and structure of "Fantastic Four" should be studied in film schools as an example of what not to do. While it should be accelerating with spiffy action and smart repartee, Tim Story's movie becomes increasingly incoherent. Fantastic Four won't leave you hungry for sequel; it will leave you desperate to forget what you just watched.

Fantastic Four

Signs of greatness are there, but ultimately, this movie is little more than a mess and a crushing disappointment. 'Fantastic Four' Movie Review. How bad is this reboot of Marvel's first superheroes? The fictional superhero team Fantastic Four featured in Marvel Comics publication has appeared in four live-action films since its inception. At this point in the ever-expanding cinematic superhero game, it behooves any filmmakers who gets involved to have at least a mildly fresh take on their characters and material, but this third attempt to create a worthy cinematic. Reviews for Fantastic Four. "Marvel Comics continues to empty out its stable of superheroes with this entertaining tale." - J. Jones Chicago Reader. "Before the inevitable and surprisingly anticlimactic battle with Doom, we are treated to two extreme-sports demonstrations, several training montages.

Trailer Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four's millionaire villain is called Victor Von Doom (Julian McMahon) - and that's before space rays change him into a metallic monstrosity with electric Like the first X-Men movie, this is all about setting up the characters for a franchise. The result is hardly fantastic, but it is quite a lot of fun. It's not that Fantastic Four is awful.

It's not an out and out disaster. The first two thirds of the movie are interesting in their hard sci-fi leanings, if not The four heroes are solid across the board, especially Jordan as figurative-turned-literal hothead Johnny Storm, having a blast and looking amazing as the. Fantastic Four is Fox's second attempt at bringing this comic book to the big screen. Fantastic Four Is a Confused, Joyless Mess.