"Moulin Rouge" may be one of the first movies to open musical doors for its leading performers. Even Jim Broadbent proves to be well cast in a crazy, intensified character that he really sinks his teeth into. I will never look at any of these stars in the same light again, even, to my great reluctance, John. "Moulin Rouge" the movie is more like the Moulin Rouge of my adolescent fantasies than the real Moulin Rouge ever could be.
MOULIN ROUGE is that kind of movie that divides viewers into two distinct camps: Those who love it and those who don't. Because no matter how moving or maddening it may be, depending on which side of the argument you're on, this refreshingly modern musical is. Moulin Rouge is a tour de force of artifice, a dazzling pastiche of musical and visual elements at the service of a blatantly artificial story.
The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. But rather than ding the show for the movie splendors it can't replicate (those soaring views of Paris rooftops! that infinite army of dancers!), let's. He meets Lautrec (John Leguizamo), who here is a The movie has so much heart that the poor overworked organ explodes in every scene. You'll have to admit that there's nothing else like it, and. Peter Bradshaw: This movie, though blessed with some stunning architectural design, never pays its audience the compliment of giving them the time and space to look around. But in the meantime, we have the wildly over-the-top fantasy Paris of Baz Luhrmann's "musical", Moulin Rouge.
Trailer Moulin Rouge!
Detailed plot synopsis reviews of Moulin Rouge. Christian is an English writer, who moves to France to start a new life. After being hired as the writer for a play, he goes to the Moulin Rouge, and falls in love with the. "Extraordinary".
Moulin Rouge is a movie that wears down the audience and its cast. While it starts off as an unmitigated five-star extravaganza, it eventually flags into mere four-star territory as the film becomes repetitious and a bit slow (heresy!). Moulin Rouge - Amor em Vermelho, 물랑 루즈, 물랑루즈, Moulin Rouge. i blame this movie for my ridiculous beliefs of love because i just expect every man i meet to serenade me on top of an elephant while a choir of unseen children provide backing vocals. Satine may be beautiful and have profound power over. "Red Windmill Surrealism".