"Shaun of the Dead," written by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright and directed by Wright, is a send-up of zombie movies, but in an unexpected way: Instead of focusing on the Undead and trying to get the laughs there, it treats the living characters as sitcom regulars whose conflicts and arguments keep. Read Common Sense Media's Shaun of the Dead review, age rating, and parents guide. How does this movie parody the conventions of zombie movies while also satirizing contemporary society?
In fact, the zombies don't truly enter the story. Shaun of the Dead is a cute, successful zombie spoof built on a central joke: if the undead actually came to London, supposedly turned-on town of nattering youth, no one would really notice. Shaun of the Dead movie reviews & Metacritic score: This "rom zom com" (romantic zombie comedy) follows the bloody funny adventures of underachiever Shaun (P.
Shaun of the Dead probably shouldn't work. It aims to be funny, dramatic, exciting, and totally brutal all at once. A side-splitting, head-smashing, gloriously gory horror comedy, Shaun Of The Dead is hilarious. From the brains behind the superb sitcom Spaced, it's a knockabout caper that will amuse casual viewers and delight genre fans. Zombie movies have occupied their own subgenre of the horror category ever since George A. K., Shaun of the Dead is a funny, disgusting movie that hides its sensitive beating heart under gallons of zombie makeup.
Trailer Shaun of the Dead
Shaun of the Dead was a surprising film, the comedy far gentler (consistent smirks and chortling as opposed to all out belly laughs) than I had been anticipating and the horror significantly more visceral. I was expecting Spaced the movie but this was not to be (which I was initially disappointed about but. The reviewer certified that no compensation was received from the reviewed item producer, trademark owner or any other institution, related with the item reviewed.
It was directed by Edgar Wright and stars Simon Pegg The following conversation between Shaun and Ed takes place twice in the movie, once while Ed is playing video games and once (with roles reversed). Shaun of the Dead launches the trilogy with a "zombie rom-com", an ambitious label achieved by its prevailing hilarity, scares, romantic sentiments, and graphic doses of gore. Movie reviews for Shaun Of The Dead. MRQE Metric: See what the critics had to say and watch the trailer.