LONE SURVIVOR starts off with some Navy SEAL training footage and ends with photos of the real participants, but in-between, the movie is purely visceral, generating. Chris Stuckmann reviews Lone Survivor, starring Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster, Eric Bana. Writer-director Peter Berg's gratitude to United States servicemen for all their sacrifice comes through viscerally, from first frame to last.
I read some reviews about "Lone Survivor" where it was mentioned alongside to a "Saving Private Ryan" - you can throw a rock at me if this. Let us know what you thought of the film in the comment section below. I know we're still early in the year, but this movie was freakin' amazing!
I absolutely loved it, and it's definitely one of the best military movies I think that has ever been made. In the case of Lone Survivor, you commend the outstanding job done by writer-director Peter Berg in telling the The movie doesn't go much beyond cliché in establishing the camaraderie among these SEALs while in training. But once on duty, Berg (Friday Night Lights, The Kingdom) proves a virtuoso. CBN is not endorsing the films or TV shows CBN.com reviews. Our goal is to provide information about the latest in entertainment, both the good and the bad, so you may make an informed decision as to what is appropriate for you and your families. Lone Survivor trips up occasionally around military jargon and Hollywood trappings, but Peter Berg's brutal telling of Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell's survival story ranks among the most Lone Survivor is the sort of movie that kicks your teeth in.
Trailer Lone Survivor
As war films go, it's as tough a watch as you'll find. Lone Survivor is war porn of the highest order, relishing every bloody bullet hit and Dolby-accentuated bone crunch while trading in the most facile armed-conflict ironies. Peter Berg ill-advisedly gives the full Hollwood treatment to the true story of an Replete with a certain kind of self-importance and self-forgiveness, this Afghan war movie starring Mark Wahlberg has a distinctively martyred America-at-bay feel.
Lone Survivor no doubt accomplishes everything it wants to achieve: It drops the viewer right in with the SEALs, makes you admire their toughness, bravery and One imagines there's a movie in what happens in Afghanistan everyday, and mostly they would likely inspire the same question: Is it worth it? It took place in the mountainous Kunar Province of Afghanistan in. Directed by the underrated Peter Berg, with an excellent cast including Mark Wahlberg in the title role and the underrated actors Tyler Kitsch, Emile Hirsh, and Ben Foster. 'Lone Survivor,' movie review. So, yes, "Lone Survivor" succeeds in re-creating the madness of war.