Maybe it's not Kubrick's masterpiece but the its two lead has a charm, especially the conversation. Stanley Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut'' is like an erotic daydream about chances missed and opportunities avoided. The movie's funniest scene takes place in a hotel where Bill questions a desk clerk, played by Alan Cumming as a cheerful queen who makes it pretty clear he's interested.

Wondering if Eyes Wide Shut is OK for your kids? Set preferences and get age-appropriate recommendations with Common Sense Media Plus. Despite the few positives, Kubrick's treatment of women in this film is abhorrent, and the movie should not be watched by children.

Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut has gotten better with age. It was, in Nietzsche's word, untimely; its first audiences failed to understand it, while its real contemporaries had to bide their time. The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. A movie review by James Berardinelli. Several years ago, I recall reading an interview with British novelist P. James (the author of the Adam Dalgliesh mystery series) in which she was asked why it took her an average of three to four years to write a new book.

Trailer Eyes Wide Shut

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I was working on a novel and rarely left my apartment. The book that I was writing It's this confession that serves as the movie's inciting incident, sending the shocked doctor reeling out of the apartment, out into the wild New York night. Eyes Wide Shut is actually very faithful to Arthur Schnitzler's original Viennese novel Traumnovelle, but it loses one of the book's most important features: the implication that the hero and his wife are Jewish. The technical and visual command of this movie is captivating - but it is a minor Kubrick.