Read Common Sense Media's The Pursuit of Happyness review, age rating, and parents guide. Strong messages about the importance of persistence, hard work, believing in yourself, and being there for each other. The heart of the movie is the strong father-son bond between the two main characters.

Our goal is to provide information about the latest in entertainment, both the good and the bad, so you may make an. The Pursuit of Happyness is a very Hollywood film, which could be good or bad depending on your point of view. The Pursuit of Happyness (original title).

The Pursuit of Happyness

This movie is a great movie that depicts a love of a father for his son. Will Smith did an incredible job and deserves every accolade available to him. Read the Empire Movie review of Pursuit Of Happyness, The. An admirably unsentimental biopic with an excellent central performance, but it doesn't impact as. Now, though, he's back on the 'serious-actor' horse in The Pursuit Of Happyness, a film that does allow him to grow. However, The Pursuit of Happyness is a little less cheesy than its Winfrey-eqsue roots suggest.

Trailer The Pursuit of Happyness

In fact, it's a deeply political movie, combining genuine sympathy for the homeless with a resolutely Conservative message: you too can become a millionaire, it whispers, if you just pull yourself up by. Comment your requests! "Pursuit of Happyness Times Two!". What You Need To Know: THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS is the inspiring true-life story of Chris Gardner.

Starring: Brian Howe, Dan Castellaneta, Jaden Smith and others. The Pursuit of Happiness I would like to comment on a movie called "The Pursuit of Happiness". It is based on a true story of the famous self-made millionaire Chris Gardner. When I saw this movie, I thought it might be another old story of inspiring people to stick to their dreams, nothing new.