"Back to the Future Part II" is an exercise in goofiness, an excursion into various versions of the past and future that is so baffling that even the characters are constantly trying to explain it to each other. I should have brought a big yellow legal pad to the screening, so I could take detailed notes just to keep the time-lines straight. And yet the movie is fun, mostly because it's so screwy.
Robert Zemeckis is back to direct the second movie, Back to the Future Part II along with Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd returning to their roles. An absolutely superb movie and my favourite of the series.
Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Thomas F. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, and Thomas F. The film follows Marty McFly (Fox) and his friend Dr. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover. A nude Biff is seen in a hot tub with two completely nude women. Only some of the top sides of their breasts and their shoulders can be seen as the rest is covered by bubbly water.
Trailer Back to the Future Part II
The movie was shot back-to-back with "Back to the Future II," which, you will recall, took Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) forward to a thoroughly depressing future that he had created by meddling around in the immediate future. He had to travel back in time in order to undo his damage, so that the eventual future would be a nicer place to live.
It picks up precisely where the first story ends (with a notable change: Jennifer is now played by Miss Shue). This is both one of the finest sequels ever and a personal favorite of director Bob Zemeckis. Here's my Review of Back to the Future Part II #BackToTheFuture #BackToTheFuturePartII #BackToTheFuturePartIII Directed by: Robert Zemeckis Starring: Michael J. However, i'm not agreeing with some of the reviews people are giving this movie.