"Rocky IV" is movie-making by the numbers. Even the climactic fight scene isn't as exciting as it should be, maybe because we know with a certainty born of long experience how it will turn out. Stallone says this will be the last Rocky movie.

What was supposed to be a. Rocky IV is by far my favorite Rocky movie, and one of my all-time fave films. I know this defies all reason, but I'll tell why.

Rocky IV

I'm a huge Stallone fan, and On the other hand, I even recall a review I heard for Star Wars: The Forces Awakens refer the final shot of that movie as a Rocky IV shot, in reference. Rocky IV gives a peek into the seriousness of the Cold War. There are a few references of smoking and drinking from the character Paulie. Action Movie Anatomy hosts Ben Bateman and Andrew Ghai break down Rocky IV! Sylvester Stallone is really sloughing it off shamelessly in Rocky IV, but it's still impossible not to root for old Rocky Balboa to get up off the canvas and whup that bully one more time. Check out the exclusive TVGuide.com movie review and see our movie rating for Rocky IV.

Trailer Rocky IV

The film co-stars Dolph Lundgren, Burt Young, Talia Shire, Carl Weathers, Tony Burton. Description: Ever since training with Apollo and defeating Clubber Lang, Rocky has been living the dream andhe and Apollo are the best of friends. Sort by: Date: Newest First Date: Oldest First Rating: High to Low Rating: Low to High Review Length: Longest First Review Length: Shortest First Reviewer Trust: High to Low.

Find out everything Empire knows about Rocky IV. Read the latest news, features and the Empire review of the film. Rocky IV made great comparson between american egotism as you say and soviet power, which is pretty much what it is. Soviets were extremely investing their money in technology to become the superior and great country they can become.