Fox," an animated picture with nothing in common with traditional animation, except that it's largely in one of the oldest animation styles of all -- stop motion, the one used in "King Kong." The animals aren't smaller than people but often larger, and more mature. Anderson was not the obvious choice for this or any other kids' movie, but his quirky sensibility makes Fantastic Mr. Fox a little brother The Royal Tenenbaums can be very proud of.

Continue reading Report this review Fantastic Mr. Fox is acclaimed director Wes Anderson's first animation, specifically stop-motion, and it's, well, fantastic. George Clooney's voice as the head fox of an animal clan that shouts diversity is straight out of Danny Ocean-- cool and witty with an overlay of sentimentality that would convince you to open your hen house door to let him have his way.

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Fox movie reviews & Metacritic score: Mr. and Mrs. Fox live an idyllic home life with their son Ash and visiting young nephew Kristopherson. Fox's resurgent career in bird-killing and stealing, after some initial success, goes south in a hurry. Bean, the meanest of the farmers, doesn't take kindly to having his birds (or his famed alcoholic cider) pilfered, and he enlists fellow farmers Boggis and Bunce in a near-insane vendetta against the thief. In Fantastic Mr Fox, the world itself seems just a little bit weird, but gloriously so. Ash's bedroom has a tremendous toy train, which looks for all intents and purposes precisely like the real. "Fantastic Mr.

Trailer Fantastic Mr. Fox

Fox" is a proudly analog animated entertainment, making its handmade way into a marketplace glutted with digital goodies. So it's Friday night and I decide to rent Fantastic Mr. Fox to watch with my daughter for movie night.

She's currently reading the book and we've listened to the book on tape several times - we love it! The movie itself is full of fillers (unnecessary scenes and story lines) and inappropriate language and behavior. Fox movie reviews & Metacritic score: Mr. and Mrs. Fox live an idyllic home life with their son Ash and visiting young nephew Kristopherson.