It Comes at Night makes lethally effective use of its bare-bones trappings while proving once again that what's left unseen can be just as horrifying as Movie Info. Imagine the end of the world. Award-winning filmmaker Trey Edward Shults follows his incredible debut.

It Comes at Night movie reviews & Metacritic score: A man (Joel Edgerton) learns that the evil stalking his family home may be only a prelude to horrors "It Comes at Night" is every sense of the word brilliant. Not your typical monster or trashy gore fest. Psychological and unsettling is more fitting.

It Comes at Night

Like a lot of horror movies, "It Comes at Night" opens with a death. It Comes at Night is one of those movies with more scares from the characters' bad dreams than from anything that manifests itself indoors. Maybe that's the meaning of the title, since nothing about the virus is especially nocturnal. Or maybe the "it" in that title means, simply, fear. It Comes at Night has been promoted as a horror movie, and it's certainly horrific, but it's not scary, and it's not likely something that "scary movie" horror The movie depicts humanity in the darkest and most brutal of ways, without a shred of hope or goodness. And yet it has incredible use of sounds and.

Trailer It Comes at Night

It Comes at Night is a drama that doesn't feel the need to tie up loose ends or deliver neat twists or pat explanations. It mirrors what life would be like for survivors and their attitude to strangers or even friends whose motivations can't truly be known. These are people who might have to lie, to cheat, to betray.

Horror movies are never really about the terror they put on display. Even when monster movies are marketed and Share All sharing options for: It Comes At Night review: a moody horror It Comes At Night is set in some undetermined near-future. A plague has apparently wiped out vast swaths of. It Comes at Night is a film of tense gradations, a chamber piece set at the twilight of humanity.