News of this Smallfoot throws the simple Yeti community into an uproar over what else might be out You haven't finished your review yet, want to submit as-is? You can always edit your review after. A confused plot and an overcooked question-everything message ruin this otherwise cute high-concept cartoon about a community of yetis intimidated by the discovery that.

Small Foot is just that, working to teach the audience the importance of trust, the questioning of theories to pursue truth and make life better, bringing cultures together to. Channing Tatum's yeti discovers the existence of humans in an animated adventure. Read the Empire review. 'Wings of Fire-The Dark Secret' Review with Roselin Productions!


Check out the exclusive movie review and see our movie rating for Smallfoot. Christy Lemire is a co-host of the YouTube film review show "What the Flick?!" Small Foot. Cast: Channing Tatum, James Corden, Zendaya, Common, LeBron James, Danny DeVito, Gina Rodriguez, Yara Shahidi, Ely Henry. From left, Migo (voiced by Channing Tatum) and Percy (voiced by James Corden) in "Smallfoot."Credit. Tell me what you thought about the film down below! Smallfoot is an animated blunder that take what could have very easily been another Storks-style win for Warner Animation Group, and Smallfoot Review.

Trailer Smallfoot

Sandie Angulo Chen, Common Sense Media. Wondering if Smallfoot is OK for your kids? Set preferences and get age-appropriate recommendations with Common Sense.

Smallfoot is an ingenious lesson in critical thinking, adroitly delivered via CGI animation. I certainly did not expect a children's film about a yeti to be so intellectually stimulating. Migo is a happy and contented yeti, as yetis go. He loves being a part of his Smallfoot, however, is packed with more modern bromides for youngsters to chew on along with the.