For a film which purports to deal with issues of privacy, I. T falls short of making a convincing commentary about the subject, resorting instead to cliched tropes about modern technology. A "SilverScreen Analysis" review of the new thriller "I.

How scary is Pennywise the Clown in It? And is the movie OK for teens? A lot of people like movies and films.


These things add thrill and imaginations to our lives. The movie review greatly determines if an individual wants to watch the movie or not. T.' Pierce Brosnan provides a welcome low-tech touch to John Moore's high-tech thriller. Appropriately enough for a movie titled "I. T.," there is a preponderance of hard drives, software, satellite tracking networks, cutting-edge surveillance systems, and banks of large-format. Get the latest film and movie reviews on

Trailer I.T.

Choked movie review: Choked doesn't quite live up to its premise: it has some fine elements, but the connective tissue that binds it all together is a weak Mrs Serial Killer movie review: Nothing, not Jacqueline Fernandez in her perfectly coiffed curls, nor Mohit Raina trying very hard to appear as if he. Latest Movie Reviews: Check out movie reviews of Bollywood, Hollywood and Regional movies by Times of India. You can find both critic reviews and audience reviews here.

The best movie reviews, in your inbox. Category: Movie Reviews. 'The Fight' Review: Defending Freedom, One Court Case at a Time. Our film critics on blockbusters, independents and everything in between. In this Irish gangster movie, an ex-boxer who works for a vicious criminal enterprise risks destroying himself one blow at a time.