"Love, Simon" is a mainstream-styled teenage rom-com that uses every cliche in the book. There's the nerdy Vice Principal, the bacchanalian high I did not see the movie at a press screening surrounded by critics. I went to an audience preview, and the excitement as the lights dimmed was palpable.

Should you see the full movie? Simon is, of course, the character on which the whole movie hinges, and Robinson is able to deliver a multifaceted performance as the eponymous lead. Movie review of Greg Berlanti's Love, Simon, starring Nick Robinson, Jennifer Garner, Josh Duhamel.

Love, Simon

Something happened at my screening of Love, Simon that I've not experienced in a theater in quite some time… if ever. For the most part, "Love, Simon" is an amiable, slick, silver-tongued teen romantic comedy. Set in a particularly idyllic Atlanta suburb, replete with lifestyle wish-fulfillment production design, it's the kind of movie in which the filmmakers signal their exquisite taste by proxy. Love, Simon is a dubious step on the road to equality, proof that conventional romantic dramas are no longer limited to straight people. Love, Simon Is a Charming Gay Studio Movie That Makes Us Hungry for More. Love, Simon arrives poised to accommodate a lot of baggage, with each gay person who sees it hanging a little of their own on the movie (or, I suppose, just choosing not to.

Trailer Love, Simon

Love, Simon is a movie that I have needed my whole life but never have. And I'm glad that these pre-teen kids who are about to go through a tough I've written a fair amount on this movie already (My REVIEW: Love, Simon - Kenny Madison is Cool). But, if you don't want to click the link, I'll sum up my.

Love, Simon is a tricky film to review, given that the very premise of the movie flies into problematic territory. But within that framework, we find some sweet moments. Simon's parents—his dad, Jack, and his mom, Emily—are dedicated, loving and involved, deeply committed to each other and to their kids. Love, Simon should also attract LGBT teens starved for onscreen representation, while older gay viewers will likely wish there had been a coming-out movie The movie doesn't probe why a teen with as solid a support system as Simon's would have such a hard time coming out today; it accepts the. things love, simon got correct about gay culture: -iced coffee -musical theater -watching panic! at the disco videos on youtube in middle school. ok, we're back. this movie is so. much. and in the most unsuspecting way imaginable. and i honestly wasn't expecting to like it much at all. but it was kind of.