Though White Fang is an animal, he exhibits important character strengths and life skills. Perseverance and courage are two of them. White fang is enchanting story of a big dog up in the big white of youkon, its a big dog, and so are also this feature film.having adhd members around me,this movie took the gaming away,watching the whole movie without making a word. well that is what this movie are, enchanting and enthralling the.

Whether it be old or new, the choice is up to you! This glossy edition of White Fang shaves off the rough-hewn edges that made Jack London's epic story so distinct, but gorgeous photography and heartfelt performances make this an The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. Top of the morning to you great Kinfolk of the YouTube Community!

White Fang

I was blessed to have my eyes and ears serenaded with the amazing animation and Marvelous. White Fang experiences both the harsh extremes of the Great White North, and man's growing encroachment into his world. Set against the Klondike Gold Rush, White Fang is an intimate epic of. The Family and Christian Guide to Movie Reviews and Entertainment News. White Fang eventually meets his match in a brutal bulldog, but now it is Jack who intervenes in the nick of time. Having earlier reached his father's claim and begun.

Trailer White Fang

Director Alexandre Espigares' reimagining of "White Fang" respects modern view of humans and animals centered on mutual reverence and appreciation. The great Jack London has frustrated filmmakers for years. His stories and novels are visual and exciting, but rarely translate into good movies.

White Fang proves hard to tame, having been so tortured, but Jack's patience and love pay off, and the dog becomes a good companion, even. WHITE FANG has a decent story which takes some of its ideas from the novel by Jack London. Perhaps the film's biggest failing is that it really is very different from the novel. Originally posted in the newsgroup.