The zombie movie takes the bullet train in Train to Busan, a smart horror that contrasts the hyper-cleanliness and efficiency of. If your review contains spoilers, please check the Spoiler box. Yeon Sang-ho's "Train to Busan" is the most purely entertaining zombie film in some time, finding echoes of George Romero's and Danny Boyle's work Social commentary aside, it's also just a wildly fun action movie, beautifully paced and constructed, with just the right amount of character and horror.

A look into Selfishness vs Selflessness and Individual vs The Collective. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a foreign film this much. The cinematography is excellent, the story is original, and I will definitely be keeping an eye on Sang-ho Yeon's future projects.

Train to Busan

Gong Yoo, top, and Kim Su-Ahn in "Train to Busan," a horror movie set on a bullet train. Read our review of the South Korean zombie hit. All zombie movies need a social conscience, and "Train to Busan" is nominally devoted to the subject of economic discrimination. Characters will die with a randomness that feels capable of reviving the entire genre — the movie may be on rails, but it's hard to overstate the degree to which Yeon's script. Train to Busan Though there are a lot of movies on Zombie apocalypse, this movie stands out of all of them. This film is a perfect mixture of action sequences and emotions.

Trailer Train to Busan

Watch the trailer for Train to Busan. "At a time like this, you only look out for yourself," Seok-woo tells Su-an when she gives up her seat, reinforcing her belief that "you only care about yourself - that's why Mum left". It's no surprise that, as the ensuing carnage escalates, this failing father will be forced to. Heart-pounding zombie thriller breathes new undead life into horror genre. "Train to Busan" picks up where that film left off.

While the anime's excoriation of the police and army is softened in the live-action sequel, scenarios of humans and zombies precariously separated by carriages fittingly symbolize the dangerous gap between society's haves and have-nots. "Self-Sacrifice Brings People Together". What You Need To Know: TRAIN TO BUSAN is a breakneck science fiction thriller from South Korea. Review of: Train To Busan Review. Once Train To Busan leaves the station, it never slows down.