See more videos by Jeremy here. Does the movie make you want to try a Ouija Board, or does it make you want to stay away from them? The movie has a nice visual polish and a story that covers all the narrative bases of a good spooky "Ouija" begins with a rather creepy opening murder.

That, of course, is an excellent reason to make a scary movie. The thing is, if you're going to do it, the movie better actually be scary. Films like Ouija don't only disappoint me, they make me angry.


Review for the film " Ouija". Ouija is a bilingual film, being made in Kannada and Telugu. So for obvious reasons actors from both the terrain are seen in the movie. As a movie, 'Ouija' is as silly and flimsy as your average store-bought Ouija board. In the paranormal horror movie spectrum there are movies such as"The Evil Dead" on one end, with its. Horror movie Ouija is out and ready to give all the scares this Halloween.

Trailer Ouija

Here's The Movie Guys review of the film. Can we just forget the first attempt at a Ouija movie and start the franchise here? You can probably copy and paste the majority of my review for Annabelle into this one for Ouija and my work would be done.

The movie is directed by Raaj Kumar Reddy. Starring a disposal set of teen characters, Ouija just doesn't deliver the scares. Check out the exclusive movie review and see our movie rating for Ouija. Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices.